Weekend Trip to Legoland!
Planned a trip over at Billund to relax over the weekend as it has been a crazy week. We had our annual Appreciation Dinner as part of NOC programme and had just ended our pitch to NUS enterprise with Dr Lily Chan and Mr Edmund Yong. I still recalled we had to rush to the airport to catch our flight! As usual, we took SAS with student offers and reach Billund in about 50 minutes. It was a small jet but the flight was pleasant. Since young, my obsession with lego has been through the roof and I would visit the lego section in each departmental store to get inspiration on what to build next with my existing set of bricks. I do have a decent set of lego bricks to build my own figures and buildings.

Legoland is basically a theme park with rides and exhibitions of LEGO collections. As the target audience are mainly kids, you can imagine the rides to be fairly mild. What impresses me the most is the scale of the LEGO exhibitions and how they infused technology - motorised lego cars, smoke effects for NASA rockets and some other lighting effects to bring life to the still coloured bricks.

We booked our accommodation at Lalandia waterpark which can comfortably accommodate 6 of us. It has a fully equipped kitchen, 2 bathrooms (1 with bathtub) and a nice dining table. The first night was pretty chill. We went to the grocery and grab some frozen food like nuggets, pizzas and fries as our place has a huge oven for use. We spent the night watching some movies while munching on quick bites and some drinks.
Also, the Waterpark entries are included in the accommodation package. You should include it in your itinerary to visit this place after Legoland!
You can find out more about Lalandia Waterpark and it's amenities here https://www.lalandia.dk/en